
Advantages of hot galvanized coatings compared to other protective coatings
1) Less maintenance: The galvanized coating, due to its durability and long service life, needs to be kept a little and therefore has no maintenance costs.
2) Long Life: The length of the galvanized coating is very long and lasts for more than fifty years in rural areas.
3) Reliability: Hot galvanized coatings are manufactured according to established technical standards such as ASTM, which guarantees a minimum standard thickness of the coating.
6) Full protection (Complete Protection): Galvanized all parts of the piece, even in corners, sharp edges and places are available and fully protects well.
7) Ease of Inspection: The galvanized coating is readily visible to the eyes by measuring non-destructive non-destructive thicknesses. Galvanized coating is healthy if it looks healthy.
8) Faster erection time: Galvanized parts can be used and installed immediately. No time is required to prepare surfaces, color or check parts. After completing the assembly operation, you can run the stage and use the final product.